Computer Vision Lab | 1993年の発表論文 (English) | 年代一覧に戻る



Sing Bing Kang, Katsushi Ikeuchi, "Toward Automatic Robot Instruction from Perception?Recognizing a Grasp from Observation," IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 9 No.4, pp.432-443, 1993年8月

Shing Bing Kang, katsushi Ikeuchi, "The complex EGI: the new representation for 3-D pose determination," IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence(PAMI), Vol.15 No.7, pp.707-721, 1993年7月

Katsushi Ikeuchi, "Comments on numerical shape from shading and occluding boundaries," Artificial Intelligence, Vol.59, pp.89-94, 1993年3月

池内克史,末広尚士, "視覚による組み立て作業理解のための作業モデルとそれに基づく動作生成," 日本ロボット学会誌, Vol.11 No.2, pp.281-290, 1993年2月

池内克史、佐藤洋一, "視覚応用技術の現状とその動向," 日本ロボット学会誌, Vol.11 No.1, pp.20-25, 1993年1月


Yoichi Sato, Katsushi Ikeuchi, "Temporal-color space analysis of reflection," IEEE Conference of Computer Vision and Pettern Recognition, pp.570-576, 1993年6月

Katsushi Ikeuchi, Masato Kawade, Takashi Suehiro, "Assembly Task Recognition with Planar, Curved and Mechanical Contacts," ICRA1993 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp.688-694, 1993年5月

H. Delingette, Martial Hebert, Katsushi Ikeuchi, "A spherical representation for the recognition of curved objects," Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision 1993, 1993年5月

S.H. Shafer, T. Kanade, K. Ikeuchi, "Image Understanding Research at CMU," 1993 DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pp.27-38, 1993年4月

M.D. Wheeler, K. Ikeuchi, "Sensor modeling, markov random fields and robust localization for recognizing partially occluded objects," 1993 DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pp.811-818, 1993年4月

H. Delingette, Martial Hebert, Katsushi Ikeuchi, "A spherical representation for the recognition of curved objects," 1993 DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pp.831-838, 1993年4月

T. Kikuchi, K. Ikeuchi, "Determining surface roughness and shape of specular diffuse lobe objects using photometric sampling device," Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 1993, 1993年

K.D.Gremban, K. Ikeuchi, "Planning multiple observation for specular object recognition," ICRA1993 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1993年

K. Ikeuchi, M. Kawade, T. Suehiro, "Assembly task recognition with planar, corved and mechanicla contacts," Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1993年


K.D.Gremban, Katsushi Ikeuchi, "Appearance-Based Vision and the Automatic Generation of Object Recognition Programs," 3D Object Recognition Systems, A. Jain and P. Flynn (eds.), Elsevier, pp.229-258, 1993年

Ikeuchi Lab, University of Tokyo, 2007