ƒeƒLƒXƒg ƒ{ƒbƒNƒX:  Katsushi IKEUCHI Ph.D

Sr. Principal Research Manager, Applied Robotics Research, Microsoft Corporation



Emeritus Professor, University of Tokyo









·       B Eng degree in Mechanical Engineering from Kyoto University in 1973

·       M Eng degree in Information Engineering from the University of Tokyo in 1975

·       Ph D degree in Information Engineering from the University of Tokyo in 1978.


After working at

·       Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology for three years,

·       Electrotechnical Laboratory, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Japanese Government for five years,

·       Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University for ten years, and

·       Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo for nineteen years,

he joined Microsoft Research in 2015. During this tenure, he supervised more than fifty PhD students.


His community service includes:

·       general chair of IROS95, ITSC99, MVA00, IV01, ICCV05, ACCV07

·       program chair of CVPR96, MVA98, IV02, ICCV03, ICRA09, ICPR12, ICCV15

·       associate editor of IEEE Trans. RA, IEEE Trans. PAMI

·       a distinguished lecturer of IEEE Signal Processing Society in 2000-2002, IEEE Computer Society in 2004-2006 and Robotics and Automation Society in 2009-2010, and

·       the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Computer Vision.

·       IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Adcom (1998-2004, 2006-2008), IEEE ITS Society BOG (2008-2012), IEEE Fellow Committee (2010-2012), 2nd VP of International Association of Pattern Recognition (2006-2008).

Through these research and society service, he was awarded a fellow from IEEE, IEICE, IPSJ and RSJ.


His research activities span computer vision, computer graphics, robotics, and intelligent transportation systems. In these research fields, he has received a dozen or so best paper awards, including

·       David Marr Prize in computational vision for the paper gShape from Interreflectionh,

·       IEEE Robotics and Automation Society K. S. Fu memorial best transaction paper award for the paper gToward Automatic Robot Instruction from Perception-Mapping Human Grasps to Manipulator Graspsh.

·       In addition, in 1992, his paper gNumerical Shape from Shading and Occluding Boundariesh was selected as one of the most influential papers to have appeared in the Artificial Intelligence Journal within the past 10 years.


He is the winner of

·       Distinguished Researcher Award from IEEE-PAMI, 

·       Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbon (Shiju-ho-syo) from Japanese Emperor

·       the Okawa award from Okawa foundation,

·       Funai Award from IPSJ.

Representative Publications

   Computer Vision



Representative Talks